Monday, June 9, 2008

Malaki - gotta love him!

Leave it to a mommy...

Today Malaki has been teaching me a few things. The way he interacts with me reminds me of why the bible directs us to be like little children. I love learning from him!

1. He can handle loud noises, crowds of people, strange foods... loud, strange
people, eating strange foods, as long as I am with him.

2. He wants to see me before he closes his eyes to sleep, and as soon as he opens them in the

3. He is eager to learn from me.

4. He is constantly growing.

5. He is totally dependent on me.

6. He wants whatever I give him.

7. He believes I will do what is good for him.

8. He struggles against me even when he knows I will win.

These reminders are good for me. I need to be more like Malaki in the way I react to my LORD and help Malaki fight against the tendencies we all have to resist what is good for us.

I'm thankful for the lesson.
Pretty cute teacher too...

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