Thursday, September 25, 2008

Photo Tour - Two Months of Silence

Starting in July:

July 25 I believe, we left for India. Yep, the country.
We traveled with my parents, all four of my sisters and my two brothers. My Aunt and her family live in India - to work for Walmart.
We got to see a lot of cool things. I wish I had a picture of the Taj Mahal to post... but my camera battery pooped out on me just as we were getting in the gate.

It was so hot! Malaki was a trooper. (that's water on his head, not sweat)

We learned a lot from the trip. Maybe someday we'll get to go back and get our hands dirty.

Ok, on to August.
We visited STL with Brian's family. we had a great time!

This was outside of the science center. I'd never been before and it was fun.

In the meantime, Malaki is really growing up!
He's crawling (like crazy), cruising, saying a few words, and eating like a man.
I love him more everyday.

Oh yeah, Malaki is going to be a big brother!
Our due date is April 18th. I'm almost 11 weeks along now
This ultrasound picture is from this Monday.

A couple more things... I'm going back to school - online style.
Yes, I know it's a little crazy. I think I may actually be able to finish this time.
(no picture for that)

And, I've started an Etsy business to sell some of my photography. Hopefully... I haven't sold any yet - but I'm still optimistic about that.
If you're curious and you'd like to see more click here. With our family growing it seemed like something I could contribute with.

AND... we're praying about moving next summer - to Minneapolis. Brian is looking into Grad School at University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. Pray with us as we try to follow the Lord's lead.

Well, I think that's all for now.

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